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Łącki: Search at Bąkiewicz's office tied to financial irregularities during PiS rule

05.09.2024 14:00
In an interview on "Gość Wydarzeń 24" with Magdalena Kaliniak, Artur Łącki from the Civic Coalition (KO) explained that the recent search at the headquarters of the March of Independence Association, led by Robert Bąkiewicz, is connected to financial irregularities involving large sums of money allegedly distributed by the Law and Justice Party (PiS).
Warsaw, September 4, 2024. Former leader of the March of Independence Association, Robert Bąkiewicz (left), and Forum of Young PiS activist Oskar Szafarowicz in front of the March of Independence Association office in Warsaw, where a search took place. The investigation is related to a series of offenses that occurred in 2018.
Warsaw, September 4, 2024. Former leader of the March of Independence Association, Robert Bąkiewicz (left), and Forum of Young PiS activist Oskar Szafarowicz in front of the March of Independence Association office in Warsaw, where a search took place. The investigation is related to a series of offenses that occurred in 2018.(sko) PAP/Piotr Nowak

Polish police searched the office of the far-right March of Independence Association, led by Robert Bąkiewicz, as part of an ongoing investigation into the 2018 Independence March.

The Warsaw-Praga District Prosecutor's Office confirmed that the investigation was reopened on May 6, 2024, due to new evidence, including an analysis of a contact form related to the march. The probe is also looking into potentially illegal slogans and chants from the march.

Bąkiewicz was questioned as a witness and claimed that the slogans were approved by authorities, but no documents confirming this were found. Investigators are now working to reconstruct these arrangements based on available evidence.

According to polsatnews.pl, citing Łącki, the search is connected to financial irregularities and large sums of money distributed with the consent of PiS.

Civic Coalition lawmakers are investigating these issues and have found evidence suggesting Bąkiewicz’s foundation received funds improperly, potentially used to buy votes and support PiS and Solidarity Poland's campaign.

Łącki highlighted that Bąkiewicz and his organization are seen as symbols of PiS's control. Now, there's a chance to thoroughly investigate their actions during the Independence March, with hopes for stricter enforcement of the law.

Source: PAP/Onet.pl/polsatnews.pl

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