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Record donations for sexual minorities in Poland

10.10.2024 11:00
2.23 million PLN (approx. 512,000 EUR) is the amount that organizations fighting for LGBT rights received from 1.5% of last year’s income tax. Polish taxpayers have never been so generous towards LGBT organizations, reports „Rzeczpospolita”.
LGBTQ, illustrative photo
LGBTQ, illustrative photoAlexander Grey/Pexels.com/CC0

LGBT organizations have received three times more support than five years ago. The Campaign Against Homophobia, the most frequently supported among these organizations, received 1.3 million PLN this year (approx. 299,000 EUR), a significant increase compared to 405,000 PLN (approx. 93,000 EUR) in 2018.

The Love Does Not Exclude Association also saw a rise in support, increasing its funding from 111,000 PLN (approx. 25,000 EUR) to 474,000 PLN (approx. 109,000 EUR).

Public benefit organizations in total received a record-breaking sum of 1.9 billion PLN (approx. 437 million EUR), with leading charities supporting the sick and disabled: the Children's Foundation "Zdążyć z Pomocą" collected 335 million PLN (approx. 77 million EUR), followed by Siepomaga (136 million PLN, approx. 31 million EUR), and Avalon – Direct Help for the Disabled (95 million PLN, approx. 22 million EUR).

Source: IAR/PAP/Rzeczpospolita

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