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Polish mega-airport will create 95,000 jobs: deputy minister

27.08.2020 07:05
The construction of a new planned mega-airport in central Poland will create 95,000 jobs, Deputy Infrastructure Minister Marcin Horała has said.
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay Pixabay licence

He added that building the new facility would bring PLN 126 billion (EUR 28bn, USD 33bn) in gross added value to the Polish economy.

Horała said that until 2027 the project would “not really [be] a working airport, but a huge investment program. During an economic slowdown... projects are much easier - there are lower prices and more contractors looking for orders.”

He added: “Such public projects are needed to stimulate the economy.”

Horała said that in its first year of operation, the airport was expected to handle 20 to 25 million passengers. “Later, this will gradually increase,” he added.

The new facility is to be built between the Polish capital, Warsaw, and the central city of Łódź, and aims to integrate air, rail and road transport. The airport is scheduled to be constructed by the end of 2027.

President Andrzej Duda said earlier this week that a host of big-ticket projects undertaken by Poland's government were helping steer the country through the global coronavirus crisis.


Source: PAP