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Polish companies contribute to Europe's space telescope mission

01.07.2023 12:45
Europe's Euclid space telescope mission is set to blast off on Saturday to shed more light on the mysterious dark energy and dark matter, Poland's PAP news agency reported on Saturday.
star-milky-way-atmosphere-space-nebula-outer-spacePhoto: CC0 Public Domain https://pxhere.com/pl/photo/1359679

The launch is planned from Cape Canaveral in Florida at 11:12 am local time (15:12 GMT) on a Falcon 9 rocket of the US company SpaceX.

Several Polish companies have played a significant role in the mission's preparations.

According to the Polish Space Agency (POLSA), local firms including Astri Polska, GMV Polska, SENER Polska, and SYDERAL Polska (currently known as AROBS Polska), have actively contributed to the development and assembly of mission components and systems.

These valuable contracts awarded to Polish entities total over 3.24 million euro, according to the agency.

The mission, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, aims to delve into the depths of space and unravel two of the universe's greatest mysteries of dark energy and dark matter.

The European Space Agency was forced to turn to billionaire Elon Musk's firm to launch the mission after Russia pulled its Soyuz rockets in response to sanctions over the war in Ukraine.

After a month-long journey through space, Euclid will join its fellow space telescope James Webb at a stable hovering spot around 1.5 million kilometers from Earth called the second Lagrange Point.


Source: PAP, AFP