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Polish gov’t backs minimum wage hike

13.06.2024 15:30
Poland’s government has proposed a plan to increase the country’s minimum wage to PLN 4,626 (EUR 1,064, USD 1,148) a month from January next year.
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Meanwhile, the minimum hourly rate would go up to PLN 30.20 (EUR 6.95, USD 7.50) effective January 1, 2025, officials said on Thursday.

The proposed figures are still subject to consultation with the government’s social partners as part of the Council for Social Dialogue, state news agency PAP reported.

The country’s minimum monthly wage rose to PLN 4,242 at the start of this year, from PLN 3,600 at the end of 2023.

Meanwhile, the minimum hourly rate in Poland is currently set at PLN 27.70, up from PLN 23.50 at the end of last year.

Before the proposed hikes kick in next year, the minimum wage in Poland will increase to PLN 4,300 at the start of next month, and the minimum hourly rate will rise to PLN 28.10. These pay floors will remain in effect throughout the second half of 2024.

The average gross Polish monthly wage in April was PLN 8,271.99 (EUR 1,945, USD 2,110), the state-run statistics office (GUS) announced last month.


Source: IAR, PAP