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Top 5 Polish export hits of the year. From ice cream and apples to yachts

16.07.2024 15:25
Poland excels in exporting top products like ice cream, non-alcoholic beer, apples, yachts, and campers, contributing significantly to its global economic footprint, according to Akcenta's report on this year's holiday season.
Polands global export success: ice cream, beer, apples, yachts, and campers shine during this holiday season.
Poland's global export success: ice cream, beer, apples, yachts, and campers shine during this holiday season.Aron Visuals, Darius Žukas, Pawel Kadysz, nikldn, Nicola Fittipaldi/unsplash.com/CC0

One in every four apples in Europe comes from Polish orchards. Poland has also surpassed the famous Italian gelato in ice cream production. We are also among the top European countries in non-alcoholic beer production. Our national yachts and campers are highly valued worldwide. Here are the top 5 Polish export hits during this year's holidays according to the international agency Akcenta.

1. Polish ice cream

In 2023, according to UN Contrade data, Poland achieved an impressive 5th place in the world ranking of ice cream exporters. This placed us ahead of renowned gelato producers like Italy.

Last year, Polish exporters sent abroad nearly 104,000 tons of ice cream, with a total value exceeding USD 375 million. Compared to 2022, Poland exported 6,000 tons more ice cream, although the export value was USD 70 million lower.

2. Non-alcoholic beer made in Poland

Last year, Poland exported over 24 million liters of this beverage, valued at over USD 23 million. We rank as the 7th largest exporter globally.

In 2022, the export of this beverage was even higher, securing Poland's high ranking as the 4th largest exporter when over 52 million liters of non-alcoholic beer were exported with a value exceeding USD 35 million.

3. Polish apples

In 2023, over 809,000 tons of Polish apples, valued at over USD 430 million, were exported. This is 76,000 tons more and USD 113.5 million higher compared to the previous year. This achievement placed our country in 7th position among global exporters.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Poland primarily supplies these fruits to consumers in Germany, Romania, Egypt, and Kazakhstan.

4. Polish yachts

Poland exports the most yachts to Germany, USA, and France. They are also highly regarded in Turkey, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, Thailand, and Middle Eastern countries.

In 2023, Poland launched 8,415 units of yachts worth over USD 716.5 million into the global waters, securing us the 7th place worldwide.

Polish-made yachts count among their owners Paris Hilton, Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal, and Formula 1 champions Fernando Alonso and Nico Rosberg.

5. Polish campers

Last year, 2,400 campers were sold to international buyers, achieving a value close to USD 33 million. This placed us just outside the top ten global exporters (11th place).

Two years ago, camper exports were even stronger, with over a thousand units more exported, valued at USD 40 million.
