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International decision makers flock to Polish economic forum

03.09.2024 09:00
Hundreds of political and economic decision makers from around the world have flocked to the Polish resort town of Karpacz for three days of debate on a wide range of business and social topics.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

More than 6,000 participants, among them senior politicians, parliamentarians, business executives and culture leaders, are expected to attend the annual Economic Forum, which begins in Karpacz, southern Poland, on Tuesday.

The annual event is billed as the largest conference of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe and is sometimes referred to as the "Polish Davos.”

It aims to provide "a crucial venue for discussions on the most important challenges shaping the present and future of Central and Eastern Europe," according to the event's website.

The conference, which runs until Thursday, includes more than 350 debates, six plenary sessions, dozens of panel discussions as well as workshops and other events focusing on some of the most pressing problems in Central and Eastern Europe and the wider world.

In addition to political, economic and social issues, participants are expected to debate how investment in scientific research and advanced artificial intelligence technology "across various areas of life can help the European Union rebuild its competitiveness relative to global economies and ensure security."

The main motto of this year's conference is "A Time for New Leaders: Shaping the Future Together."

The event includes the presentation of an annual economic report and an awards ceremony honouring outstanding figures in Europe and beyond.

The annual Economic Forum, previously held in Krynica, another mountain resort in southern Poland, is now in its 33rd year.


Source: IAR, PAP, forum-ekonomiczne.pl