English Section

A Letter from Poland - Gratitude

04.05.2023 14:00
This week's Letter again looks at the expression of emotion in Poland, this time seeing how gratitude is expressed (or not expressed!)
  • How is gratitude expressed (or not expressed!) in contemporary Poland?
Ceremony commemorating the Warsaw Uprising in August 2020. A Flame of Remembrance was lit and passed from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then passed from generation to generation and kept alit until the anniversary of the end of the uprising in October. An intense expression of gratitude in contemporary Poland.
Ceremony commemorating the Warsaw Uprising in August 2020. A Flame of Remembrance was lit and passed from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then passed from generation to generation and kept alit until the anniversary of the end of the uprising in October. An intense expression of gratitude in contemporary Poland. PAP/Rafał Guz

Presented by Patrick Trompiz