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President, first lady send best wishes to Polish fathers on their day

23.06.2023 16:30
Poland’s president and first lady have issued a special message to mark Father’s Day, wishing Polish dads “good health, professional success and much joy from every moment spent with their loved ones.” 
Polish President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornauser-Duda.
Polish President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornauser-Duda.Twitter/Office of the President of Poland

Andrzej Duda and Agata Kornhauser-Duda offered their greetings on Friday, June 23, which is Father’s Day in Poland, state news agency PAP reported.

The Polish first couple wrote: “Dear fathers, on the occasion of Father’s Day, we wish you good health, strength, professional success, as well as joy and satisfaction derived from every moment you spend with your loved ones.”

The president and first lady added: “May family always hold a central place in your heart, for then everything else will be in its right place.”

They emphasised "the importance of the father in a child’s development," the PAP news agency reported.

‘Guides, protectors, defenders’

The Polish presidential couple said: “Fathers teach children that they ought to respect other people, as well as themselves. They build the children’s self-esteem, their self-belief, their awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses. They help children set life goals and then accompany them as they accomplish these goals. They act as guides, protectors and defenders of their children.”

'Wisdom, patience, care'

The presidential couple thanked Polish fathers for their “fatherly wisdom, patience and care,” adding that these qualities “help young people grow feeling secure and accepted” and thus “develop the maturity to assume the most important roles in life, of wives, husbands, mothers and fathers.”

‘Huge but beautiful responsibility’

The president and the first lady also said in their message that “fatherhood is a huge but beautiful responsibility as it prepares children to emerge from under the protective wings of their parents and take the first steps on the path towards adulthood.”

In conclusion, the Polish first couple wished fathers “a sense of humour,” noting that “children delight in laughing together with their daddies.”


Source: IAR, PAP, prezydent.pl