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Polish women less eager than men to have kids: survey

17.07.2023 23:30
Women in Poland are slightly less eager than men to have children, a new survey has found.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

Some 10 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 40, compared to 6 percent of men in the same age group, express a lack of desire for parenthood, according to a survey by pollster CBOS.

Additionally, around 12 percent of women, versus 10 percent of men, indicate a preference for having only one child, Poland’s PAP news agency reported.

Overall, the poll, conducted in April and May, shows that 47 percent of Poles up to the age of 40 express a desire to have two children.

The second most common response (18 percent) is a desire for three children, while 5 percent of respondents say they want to have four or more children.

Five percent of respondents are open to having "as many kids as life brings" their way, and 4 percent remain undecided on the matter, according to PAP.

Meanwhile, 57 percent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 40 said they did not have any children.

Seventeen percent of those surveyed said they had one child and 19 percent said they had two children. 

Six percent of those surveyed have three or more kids, the poll showed. 

The study also reveals that 30 percent of respondents have the exact number of children they desire, including couples wishing to stay childless.

On the other hand, 57 percent have fewer children than they would like, while 1 percent have more kids than they initially intended.

CBOS also identified a group of individuals who do not wish to have children at all, representing 8 percent of the surveyed population between the ages of 18 and 40.

The group predominantly consists of the youngest respondents aged 18 to 24 (13 percent), those with a basic or secondary education (17 percent), residents of large cities with a population of 500,000 or more (13 percent), and those with a monthly income of at least PLN 4,000, or around EUR 900 per household member (12 percent).


Source: PAP