English Section

Storks leave Poland ahead of schedule

08.08.2023 16:00
Ornithologists have observed that certain migratory bird species known to nest in Poland until the first signs of autumn, have commenced their migrations notably earlier than their usual schedule.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

This particularly applies to Poland’s ubiquitous white storks, which would typically gather in large flocks at the end of August before embarking on their journey.

This year, however, some storks have skipped the flocking custom, choosing to start their journey to Africa much ahead of schedule, according to ornithologist Piotr Tryjanowski of the University of Life Sciences in the western city of Poznań.

“With the storks arriving in Poland much later than normal I already knew we would be in for some surprises,” he said.

He added: "The unusual bird arrivals are now followed by unusual departures. It appears that despite a late start to breeding, some young storks have already set off for Africa."

Storks are a national symbol in Poland, which until recently was their largest nesting ground in Europe.

Radio Poland’s Michał Owczarek has the story.

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