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Poland braces for heatwave

15.08.2023 10:00
Poland is expected to be hit by scorching heat this week, with temperatures on Wednesday set to exceed 35 degrees Celsius, and the government urged citizens to take precautions against hot weather.
Photo:PAP/Lech Muszyński

The state-run Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) said in a statement that the highest temperatures are expected in the central and eastern parts of Poland.

The experts also warned against heavy storms and strong wind in some areas of the country.

Poland’s Government Security Centre (RCB) issued heatwave guidance for the public via text messages and in a series of tweets.

Officials advised the public to “avoid physical exertion, stay home if possible, wear a hat and apply UV filter cream.”

Citizens were also urged to “not leave children and animals in the car, avoid drinking alcohol as it dehydrates the body, close and cover the windows during the day, and wear lightweight and airy clothing.”


Source: PAP, IAR