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Biking on a mission : audio report

25.09.2023 16:00
Fayis Asraf Ali, an Indian engineer-turned-biker has for the last year and a half been on an unusual mission - a solo biking tour from India to London.
Fayis Asraf Ali in Warsaw.
Fayis Asraf Ali in Warsaw.Radio Poland/Danuta Isler

He had already completed his ride in India, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq,Iran, Armenia,Georgia, Turkey, Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia and   Croatia. And this is not the first time he has taken up such a trip.

x Fayis Asraf Ali.   Radio Poland/Danuta Isler

Fayis Asraf Ali successfully completed his first project in 2019 from  Kerala, southern India  to Singapore covering 7 countries by pedaling 8000 km. What's involved this time? 1 man and 1 bicycle, 2 continents and 35 countries as well as 30 000 km of a journey with 5 objectives. To find out more about the tour, the objectives and the reaction he's met with so far, Radio Poland's  Danuta Isler spoke to Fayis at a stop in country no.22 - Poland. 

Click on the audio player above to hear the interview.