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Swing voters abound ahead of Poland’s election: survey

26.09.2023 22:30
While most Poles declare their intention to participate in an upcoming general election (83%), nearly one in four (23 %) remains uncertain about which political party to vote for, Poland’s PAP news agency reported on Tuesday.
Image:Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Quoting a recent poll by CBOS, the agency wrote that the sizable group of undecided voters could unpredictably swing the election outcome one way or the other.

Among swing voters, women constitute the majority, 55%  vs. 45 % men.

In terms of age distribution, the largest segment of  floating voters falls within the 35-44 age bracket (23%).

In contrast, the number of undecided individuals in the oldest age group is only half of those with strong voting preferences (15 % vs.  31 %).

Almost half of swing voters reside in rural areas (45%).

Interestingly, among those undecided, there is a higher proportion of individuals with higher education (38 %) compared to those  with strong party alliegiance (27%).

Moreover, this group includes a higher percentage of centrist-leaning individuals (35 %  vs. 22 % core voters) or those with unspecified political sympathies (23 %  vs. 7%).

Right-leaning individuals are notably less common among floating voters (24 %) than among core ones (49 %).

Among the undecided voters, individuals leaning more towards the opposition outweigh those favoring the ruling camp (19%  vs. 13 %), although the majority in both groups are individuals who do not sympathise with either side of Poland’s public discourse (63 %).

The survey was conducted  between September 4-14 on a sample of 1,073 adult Poles.

On October 15, Polish citizens will head to the ballot box to elect 460 new MPs and 100 senators for a four-year term.

Poland’s governing conservatives are striving for a third consecutive term in power, maintaining a clear lead over the opposition in most recent surveys.


Source: PAP