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Wrocław scientists create a next-level device for measuring water quality

25.11.2023 12:00
Scientists from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences have constructed a next-level device that measures a number of water quality parameters: from pH, salinity, conductivity and turbidity to oxygen content. Equipped with electronic sensors, it resembles an egg in shape.
Dr. Maciej Gruszczyński presenting his invention
Dr. Maciej Gruszczyński presenting his invention(źródło: Serwis Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu)

The university's press release announced that their employees' invention reached the finals of the "Outstanding Technological Achievement 2022" competition held by the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations. The creators of the device are Dr. Maciej Gruszczyński and Eng. Jan Błotnicki from the Institute of Environmental Engineering.

While working in the water laboratory on the implementation of a known measurement technique for observing the water velocity distribution in fishways with rounded bodies, the scientists encountered a problem. The technique used so far allowed for observing the velocity distribution only on the water surface. This prompted them to look for a solution - and, in turn, led to creating the breakthrough device that now will fight for the award.

"We knew what we needed and decided that we would try to construct such a device ourselves - especially since we calibrate hydrometric devices in the water laboratory and carry out numerous tests related to measuring water flow and building models" - said Dr. Gruszczyński, quoted in the release.

As reported, The breakthrough device that has already been patented is an intelligent tracer particle for studying the three-dimensional distribution of speeds and selected water parameters, enclosed in the form of an egg. By placing an intelligent marker particle in the stream, information on numerous variables is obtained - and it provides not point but spatial data about how the measured parameter changes in the particle's motion trajectory.

"It is next-level, because it was not possible to collect so much data in such a short time using traditional measurement techniques, which only allow measurement at a point" - the Polish engineer and inventor Błotnicki added.

The winner of the "Outstanding Technological Achievement 2022" competition shall be announced mid-December.


Source: PAP, Serwis Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu