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Polish miners praised on annual feast day

04.12.2023 13:30
Top state officials have praised Polish miners, who on Monday celebrated Barbórka, a day of traditional festivities named after their patron saint.
St. Barbaras Day festivities in the southern Polish city of Katowice on Monday.
St. Barbara's Day festivities in the southern Polish city of Katowice on Monday.Photo: PAP/Zbigniew Meissner

In marking St. Barbara’s Day, President Andrzej Duda thanked miners for their "hard work, which serves the entire nation."

In a message posted on his presidential website, Duda said: "On behalf of my fellow citizens, I would like to express my appreciation for your yearlong dedication. Your work holds strategic importance for our economy and the energy security of our homeland. Most importantly, it ensures essential living conditions for millions of Polish families, particularly during the winter season. I hope that we can responsibly utilize our national resources for many years to come, meeting both our current needs and those of future generations."

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a social media post that "Barbórka is a true gem of our national culture, a grand celebration of miners and their families."

He added: "I extend my gratitude to all miners for their difficult yet extremely important work. Your determination and dedication to the well-being of society deserve immense respect."

Barbórka celebrations in Poland feature performances by miners’ orchestras, beer festivals organised by trade unions, and the presentation of awards and distinctions at special gatherings.

The tradition is especially strong in Silesia, the coal-mining region in the south of the country.

St. Barbara, an early Christian Greek saint and martyr, serves as the patron saint of miners, artillerymen, military engineers and others who work with explosives.

Miners traditionally seek her protection while carrying out their often hazardous work.


Source: PAPprezydent.pl