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Polish police to honor fallen officers with nationwide siren tribute

05.12.2023 12:00
In a tribute to their fallen colleagues, Polish police officers across the country will sound the sirens of their vehicles at 5 p.m. on Tuesday.
Photo:PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

This nationwide act of remembrance is dedicated to two officers who tragically lost their lives in the line of duty.

The memorial was announced on the Polish police's Twitter profile, with Police Chief Jarosław Szymczyk urging officers and police employees to join in this moment of reflection.

"In a rushing world full of dangers, let's stop. Let the sirens of our police cars sound across the country. Let's pay our respects to Our Colleagues who died in the performance of their duties," the tweet read.

The tribute follows the death of two officers, Daniel Łuczyński and Ireneusz Michalak, both of whom were fatally shot by a suspect identified as Maksymilian F.

The incident occurred as the officers were transporting the suspect, who was detained on charges of fraud, into custody.

During the transport, the suspect fired at the officers and fled the scene. The wounded officers were rushed to hospitals in serious condition, but succumbed to their injuries.

Łuczyński, aged 45, had 19 years of police experience, while Michalak, 47, was a veteran with 26 years of service. Both officers were from the Wrocław Fabryczna police station.

Maksymilian F. was apprehended on Saturday morning.


Source: PAP