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Polish Disability Forum awarded by Poland's Ombudsman

09.12.2023 21:22
On December 8, 2023, the Paweł Włodkowic Award ceremony was held in Warsaw. Presented annually by the Ombudsman's Office, this honorary title is an expression of recognition for those defending fundamental values and truths, even against the opinions and views of the majority.
Polands Ombudsman, prof. Marcin Więcek, at the conference celebrating the 35th anniversary of the office
Poland's Ombudsman, prof. Marcin Więcek, at the conference celebrating the 35th anniversary of the officeMarcin Matuszewski / Polskie Radio

This year, the award was received by the Polish Disability Forum. This public benefit non-profit has been operating since May 2003 - bringing together various associations of people with disabilities operating in the country. Since 2004, the Polish Disability Forum has been a member of the European Disability Forum.

"It is thanks to such people and such initiatives, the affairs of one of the most important and sensitive social groups in the country are moving forward. Traveling a bumpy road, overcoming thousands of obstacles - you are still moving forward" - said Poland's Ombudsman, Prof. Marcin Wiącek, in his laudation.

"Thanks to you, the world is a better place. You devote your lives to show the authorities and society that there is nothing more important than dignity and respect for other people" - the Ombudsman continued.

The chairman of the Polish Disability Forum, Krzysztof Kurowski, pointed out that the role of his organization is to convey a voice that is not heard. "Some voices get through to the media more easily, others less so. And the Polish Disability Forum tries to amplify those voices that are not loud enough" - he said.

He also reminded that although Poland ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 11 years ago, the anachronistic regulations in force in the country do not support people with disabilities - and sometimes they can even become a source of numerous inconveniences.

The new Polish lower-house Speaker, Szymon Hołownia, sent a letter to address the gala participants as well. He congratulated and thanked the winner of the award - as well as the employees of the Ombudsman's Office for their actions on behalf of other people.

"You are defending the defenseless and helping the helpless - in the face of laws that do not serve them and unclear regulations. Knowing the real problems of numerous social groups, you do not agree to exclusion based on worldview, orientation, nationality or origin" - the Speaker wrote.

"I believe that good cooperation of the lower-house with the Ombudsman's Office will bring tangible results in legislating and restoring the rule of law. I believe that a creative dialogue will emerge in the public space" - Szymon Hołownia concluded, wishing the Polish Disability Forum and the Ombudsman's Office employees much strength and success in their daily work.

During the ceremony, a recording of the Secretary General of the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions, Debbie Kohner, was also played. She addressed the participants and congratulated the Polish Ombudsman's Office on its 35th anniversary of promoting and protecting human rights.


Source: Poland's Ombudsman Office