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Poland opens film contest for school students

10.01.2024 14:00
Poland has launched a nationwide film competition, "Point Of View," for students in grades VII and VIII of primary schools, and those in secondary schools.
Pixabay license.
Pixabay license.Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Participants can submit their work until March 4, 2024, in five different categories: feature or documentary films, animated films, music videos, film posters, and film reviews. These categories allow students to explore various aspects of cinema, audiovisual arts, and graphic design.

The theme for both feature/documentary and animated films is "the person next to us," and these films must not exceed a duration of five minutes. Music videos should be up to four minutes long, while film posters must be for an existing feature, documentary, or animated film. Film reviews should cover any film of choice.

A jury composed of notable figures in the Polish film industry will select and award the best works in each category. The jury includes Joanna Macha, a set designer known for her work on films like Znachor ("Quack," 2023) and Raport Pileckiego ("The Pilecki Report,"2023); Łukasz Kowalski, a director and producer celebrated for the documentary Lombard ("Pawn shop," 2022); Krzysztof Komander, a director, editor, and screenwriter nominated for the Polish Film Award Orły 2022; and Michał Rodziński, a lecturer in animation at the Film School of the Katowice Academy of Fine Arts.

This contest is a continuation of a project formerly known as Wylęgarnia ("The Hatchery"), originally set up by educator Celina Waśko. The revised format aims to nurture young talent in filmmaking.

Entries must be submitted through schools, with the deadline set for March 4, 2024. More information about the contest can be found on the website of the organisers, the Silesia Film Institution in the southern city of Katowice: https://silesiafilm.com/ogolnopolski-szkolny-konkurs-filmowy-point-of-view-pov-2024/


Source: PAP, dzieje.pl