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Vandalism at Płaszów death camp museum: memorial to Jewish educator desecrated

15.01.2024 13:30
Authorities in Kraków are investigating an act of vandalism at the Płaszów Concentration Camp Museum, where a memorial dedicated to Sara Szenirer, a significant figure in Jewish education, was desecrated.
The Gray House, KL Płaszów Museum in Kraków.
The Gray House, KL Płaszów Museum in Kraków. Photo: PAP/Art Service

Piotr Szpiech, a press officer for the Kraków Municipal Police Department (KMP), confirmed that the police are actively working to identify those responsible for this reprehensible act.

The incident, reported to the services on Monday, involved the destruction of Szenirer's symbolic gravestone, located near the Grey House on the museum's grounds.

Preliminary reports suggest that an unlawfully used excavator found near the site might have been employed in the vandalism. In addition to Szenirer's memorial, two elements of the boundary markers of the Jewish cemeteries within the former Płaszów labor and concentration camp were also damaged.

The Płaszów Concentration Camp Museum, responsible for preserving the site of the former German concentration camp operational from 1942 to 1945, issued a communiqué appealing for witnesses to come forward and assist in the investigation.

Sara Szenirer (1883-1935), renowned as the pioneer of Jewish education for girls and the creator of the Bais Yaakov school system, is a revered figure in Jewish history. Often referred to as the Mother of Israel for her contributions to teaching, Szenirer's legacy is honored by the Jewish community worldwide. Her memorial at the former Płaszów camp, established in 2004, stands as a testament to her life and work.

Source: PAP