English Section

Quadruplets born in Poland’s Lublin

18.01.2024 09:00
A set of quadruplets was born on January 10 in Lublin, eastern Poland.
Photo:PAP/Artur Reszko

According to a Polish Radio reporter in Lublin, who spoke to the happy mother and members of the medical team on Wednesday, the two girls  – Alicja and Julia, and two boys – Jakub and Nikodem, were born in the 31st week of pregnancy.

Their condition is described as good, and only one of them, Nikodem, has to remain at present on respiratory support.

The smallest of the babies weighs 1490 grams; the largest – 1800 grams. Each of them has a different blood group.

The parents already have one child.

Earlier this year, on January 3, quadruplets were born in Poznań, western Poland.
