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Polish rescuers travel 700km to save puppy

05.02.2024 20:00
Rescuers from the Maritime Search and Rescue Service in Kołobrzeg, a Polish city on the Baltic coast, travelled over 700 kilometres across the country to save a puppy.
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Pixabay LicenseImage by Moshe Harosh from Pixabay

The dog was stranded on a tiny island on the river Bug, near the village of Kuligów in central Poland.

The canine had been marooned for six days, with local rescue services unable to reach it due to strong currents and accumulated ice.

The three rescuers from Kołobrzeg spontaneously decided to step in and help. They mounted a challenging nighttime operation. 

"The operation was a success," one of the rescuers said in a video shared on social media, showing the men cradling a soaked dog tightly clinging to them.

Radio Poland's Agnieszka Bielawska has the story.

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