English Section

RCB launches multilingual webpage on preparing for CBRN hazards and explosions

30.03.2024 22:00
Poland’s Government Security Centre (RCB) has introduced a comprehensive guide in Polish, English, and Ukrainian, to educate the public on preparing for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear (CBRN) threats, and explosions.

The website aims to enhance public safety by outlining key preparatory steps for potential emergency situations, including terrorist attacks.

Highlighting the importance of readiness, the RCB outlines a three-step approach: "The first is to discuss such threats with family members and cohabitants and prepare a response plan," ensuring families have established communication methods and a reunification strategy in case of separation.

As a second measure, the creation of an ‘evacuation rucksack’ for every household member is advised, equipped with essential items such as a radio, torch, spare batteries, protective masks, and enough food for two days.

Finally, identifying a secure location within homes, schools, or workplaces, ideally internal areas with thick walls and devoid of windows, is recommended for shelter during an incident.


Source: PAP