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Is Polish smog worse than other countries'?

12.05.2024 23:30
A cardiologist has told the Polish Press Agency (PAP) that the chemical cocktail dubbed "Polish smog" is a particular threat to heart patients. 
Smog in Kraków.
Smog in Kraków. Photo: PAP/Jacek Bednarczyk

Dr Łukasz Kuźma, a leading cardiologist who has been heading research into the health effects of smog, has spoken to the Polish Press Agency. 

Kuźma says that his team's research has found that Polish smog is different from other countries. Polish smog typically forms in smaller towns where there is a higher incidence of low-quality domestic fireplaces and heating systems. This stands in contrast to other kinds of smog such as the classic "London" type or "Los Angeles" type smog, which is related to the action of intense sunlight on the pollution generated by traffic. 

Polish smog, which is characterised by very small particles, is particularly dangerous for the circulation system and therefore for those at risk from heart attacks and strokes. 

Source: PAP
