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Majority of Poles support use of weapons by soldiers at border, survey reveals

11.06.2024 10:30
A recent survey reveals that a significant majority of Poles believe soldiers should use weapons if migrants attempt to forcibly cross the eastern border.
Photo:PAP/Tytus Żmijewski

The survey, conducted by IBRiS and commissioned by Polish daily "Rzeczpospolita", posed the question: "Should soldiers of the Polish army stationed on the eastern border use weapons in the event of attempts by migrants to forcibly cross the border?"

According to the results, 85.7 percent of respondents support the use of weapons (57.8 percent definitely yes, and 27.9 percent rather yes), while 10.7 percent oppose it (9.2 percent rather no, and 1.5 percent definitely no). A small portion, 3.6 percent, had no opinion on the matter.

"Rzeczpospolita" reported on Tuesday that approval for the use of weapons is highest among men (88 percent), individuals aged 50 and above (90 percent), and residents of small towns (91 percent). The survey was conducted on June 7 and 8 with a nationwide sample of 1,071 respondents.


Source: PAP, Rzeczpospolita