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Poles favor stringent EU nature protection standards, study shows

17.06.2024 23:30
Polish citizens are advocating for active nature conservation efforts across Europe, according to a recent study by the Warsaw-based More in Common foundation.
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The survey reveals a preference for the European Union to set the standards for nature protection.

The findings indicate that Poles oppose abandoning ambitious climate and environmental policy goals, while also expecting changes to the EU’s Green Deal package.

The head of the More in Common foundation, Adam Traczyk, said that respondents' views were consistent regardless of their political beliefs.

"Concern for the well-being of nature transcends party lines and social polarization,” Traczyk said. “It's something that can unite us beyond divisions, viewed as a personal commitment. We consider caring for Polish nature a patriotic duty.”

He added that Poles want newly elected European Parliament members to strengthen efforts in nature protection.

"Fifty-three percent of Poles wish for greater engagement specifically to enhance nature protection standards,” Traczyk also said. “Only 11 percent of respondents would like the new MEPs elected across Europe to advocate for relaxing these standards.”

EU countries on Monday approved a new set of regulations on natural resource protection. The decision was reached by the majority of environment ministers from EU countries at a meeting in Luxembourg.


Source: IAR