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Racism in Polish politics on World Refugee Day?

20.06.2024 17:35
Donald Tusk has attacked Law and Justice (PiS) for racism as their new ad plays the race card (again). Today is World Refugee Day. 
Tygodnik Siecis 2015 cover to scare voters that then PM Kopacz would welcome Muslim extremists.
Tygodnik Sieci's 2015 cover to scare voters that then PM Kopacz would welcome Muslim extremists. Cover: X/WP/Tygodnik_Sieci

The populist Law and Justice party has produced a political ad designed to give the impression that Poland is about to be or is already being "invaded" by dangerous immigrants. In the 2015 campaign Law and Justice resorted to similar tactics, spreading fear that there was a huge number of Islamic immigrants at the Polish borders. 

This was a notorious cover from the pro-PiS Tygodnik Sieci at the time:

This time the new spot shows Donald Tusk laughing about another supposed wave of immigration "Why aren't you laughing?" referring to one of Tusk's campaign slogans:

Commentators (as well as the nationalist ONR X account) have been quick to point to the fact that the largest number of Islamic immigrants came to Poland under Law and Justice:

Donald Tusk has responded in strong terms, accusing Law and Justice of racism. His response stands in contrast to those of his liberal counterparts in other European countries. Macron, Sunak (and even the left-wing Keir Starmer) have avoided taking a stand on populist racism for fear of paying the price in elections.

Today is the United Nations' World Refugee Day:

Sources: X/@pisorgpl, Tygodnik Sieci, TVN24, X
