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Turkey lures Polish vacationers: report

01.07.2024 07:00
Turkey is the most popular destination for Poles heading abroad for their summer vacation this year, according to a website.
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The wakacje.pl website, which allows Poles to compare offers from nearly 100 travel agencies, has reported that the largest proportion of its users named Turkey as their vacation spot of choice.

Meanwhile, Greece emerged as the second-most popular summer destination among Polish travel agency customers.

Egypt was in third place, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Other popular summer destinations include Tunisia, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Albania, Italy and Portugal, according to wakacje.pl.

The findings are based on a survey commissioned by the website earlier this year.

The survey was carried out on a sample of 1,511 respondents aged 20 to 65 who planned at least a weeklong trip abroad this summer.


Source: PAPmedia.wakacje.pl