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More foreign prisoners in Poland: report

18.07.2024 11:15
There are now twice as many convicted foreigners in Polish prisons compared to 2020. This is not solely due to the war in Ukraine, as reported by "Rzeczpospolita".
The number of foreign prisoners in Poland has doubled since 2020, reflecting broader societal changes and challenges, not solely related to the conflict in Ukraine.
The number of foreign prisoners in Poland has doubled since 2020, reflecting broader societal changes and challenges, not solely related to the conflict in Ukraine.CM Photo/Pixaby.com/CC0

Statistics from the Ministry of Justice indicate that by the end of 2020, Poland had over 1,200 foreign nationals in its prisons. By 2024, this number had risen to over 2,400.

The majority of foreign inmates in Polish correctional facilities and detention centers are involved in traffic accidents, robberies, assaults, and homicides.

Among them, the largest groups are Ukrainians, Georgians, and Belarusians.

A handful of individuals also come from countries such as Rwanda, Senegal, Palestine, Jordan, Morocco, and Finland.

Foreigners behind bars. Doubling numbers and new realities in Poland

"According to global trends and migration studies, immigrants often struggle to adapt to new conditions," explains criminologist Prof. Brunon Hołyst in a comment to "Rzeczpospolita".

"We receive the poorest group of foreigners, who find it difficult to navigate their new reality," the expert asserts.

He believes that previously, Poland attracted mainly wealthy foreigners who could afford to move abroad.

Now, there is an influx of less affluent individuals who, in their struggle to survive, more frequently turn to crime in hopes of quick enrichment.

Source: PAP/IAR/rp.pl/facebook.com/CiekaweStatystyki
