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Aurora alert over Poland. Magnetic storms possible

29.07.2024 15:40
Karol Wójcicki, a popular astronomy enthusiast, warns that very good conditions for observing the aurora borealis are expected the next night from Tuesday to Wednesday (July 30/31). Poland might also experience a magnetic storm, and the conditions for observing celestial bodies could be the best in weeks.
Karol Wójcicki alerts that excellent conditions for observing the aurora borealis and a potential magnetic storm are expected over Poland from the night of July 3031, with the possibility of seeing strong magnetic flares and auroras in suburban areas if forecasts prove accurate.
Karol Wójcicki alerts that excellent conditions for observing the aurora borealis and a potential magnetic storm are expected over Poland from the night of July 30/31, with the possibility of seeing strong magnetic flares and auroras in suburban areas if forecasts prove accurate.  jasongillman /pixaby.com/CC0

In the coming days, the night sky will be exceptionally active. Skywatchers might spot strong magnetic flares of class M.

"Due to coronal mass ejections (CME) directed towards Earth, a G3 magnetic storm is expected, which could cause auroras visible at mid-latitudes, including over Poland," reports Wójcicki.

"Ultimately, the prevailing conditions will be clearer about an hour before the CME hits Earth, when its parameters are recorded by satellites near Earth," admits the popularizer of astronomy.

Wójcicki asserts that if the forecasts hold, everyone will be able to see the aurora from suburban areas after dark, when the sky is fully darkened.

"Prepare your cameras, charge your batteries, and plan trips out of town for observations," urges the creator of the highly popular Facebook page "With Your Head in the Stars." 

Source: Facebook.com/Z głową w gwiazdach
