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Polish researchers test Mars rovers in collaboration with NASA

20.09.2024 14:00
Academics and students of the Warsaw University of Technology have been testing a new concept of using rovers for Mars exploration as part of a project in collaboration with NASA.
From left: Piotr Pałka, Maksym Figat, Julia Stypułkowska, Prof. Robert Olszewski, and Agnieszka Wendland at a presentation of Mars rovers designed by students from the Warsaw University of Technology
From left: Piotr Pałka, Maksym Figat, Julia Stypułkowska, Prof. Robert Olszewski, and Agnieszka Wendland at a presentation of Mars rovers designed by students from the Warsaw University of TechnologyPhoto: PAP/Leszek Szymański

The goal is to determine whether a swarm of smaller autonomous rovers, equipped with powerful sensors and working in tandem with suitably constructed drones, could perform scientific exploration more efficiently than single large rovers already surveing the Red Planet.

The project team believe that, if deemed viable, the autonomous approach could significantly speed up and reduce the cost of Mars exploration given that a small rover is at least 1,000 times cheaper than large-scale devices like Perseverance.

The project also includes partnerships with universities in Basel, Switzerland, and San Jose, USA. The team have recently completed an initial series of tests with 8kg rovers at a specially prepared Mars yard near Warsaw.

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