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Tourists in the Tatras show how NOT to behave in an emergency

26.01.2023 22:30
Tourists in trouble in the Tatras risked the life of one of their party according to the Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue team that came for them.
Tatras - approach to Świnica
Tatras - approach to ŚwinicaPAP/TOPR/Facebook

The tourists got into trouble while attempting to reach the peak of Świnica in the Tatras. The peak of Świnica (Polish) / Svinica (Slovak) on the Polish-Slovak border is 2,301 m above sea level.

They called in the Tatra Voulnteer Search and Rescue (TOPR), requesting a helicopter rescue. However, foggy weather did not allow for helicopter flight, so the TOPR team came on foot. They passed what turned out to be two of the party, but the pair denied any knowledge of the emergency situation. At the same time the third member of their party was genuinely in trouble. The TOPR team was finally able to help the third tourist reach safety.

The Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue appealed to all tourists and climbers to carefully adjust their plans to their skill level, experience, equipment and weather conditions.

Source: PAP
