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Polish Catholic bishops call for 'openness and respect towards migrants'

12.07.2023 13:00
The leaders of Poland’s Catholic Church have urged migration policy makers to maintain "an attitude of openness and respect towards migrants.”
The headquarters of the Polish Bishops Conference in Warsaw.
The headquarters of the Polish Bishops' Conference in Warsaw. PAP/Albert Zawada

The Polish Bishops’ Conference made the appeal in a statement published on Wednesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The Catholic leaders emphasised that Poland was facing serious and urgent migration challenges.

They wrote: “The arrival of war refugees from Ukraine, and economic migrants from various regions of the world, but also the need to solve the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border, which represents a deadly trap for some of the people arriving in search of a decent life, are all doubtless among the main and most pressing issues of today.”

'Hospitality and solidarity'

The Polish bishops said: “We ask that those tasked with searching for solutions to complex migration problems be guided above all by an attitude of openness and respect towards migrants and refugees and the common good in the broad sense.”

They added: “This entails a willingness to transcend a merely national perspective. At the same time, it requires people arriving in Poland to respect our culture, religion, law and security rules.”

Poland’s Catholic leaders stated: “Poland’s rich experience when it comes to migration, its Christian heritage, but also the extraordinary, spontaneous involvement of Polish people in helping people fleeing the war in Ukraine, which merits utmost appreciation, should make us especially well-equipped to spread the attitude of wise hospitality and solidarity, which are the foundations of Christian faith.”

The Polish bishops added that “the ways in which this attitude can be practiced don’t need to be decided in a referendum, but should be implemented in a prudent manner and through social dialogue, with consideration for the means and the possible social consequences in the future.”

Poland’s Catholic leaders also said that in the Church, “welcoming refugees and migrants, protecting them, giving them opportunities for development and integrating them with society through priestly structures, are important missions for priests at the parish level.”

The statement also said that "the Church must seek to be present among the newcomers and accompany them.”

The Polish bishops further stated: “This means not only charitable assistance and priestly support for the Catholics arriving in Poland, but also hospitality and openness towards representatives of other faiths and religions. Throughout the Church’s history, this has always represented an opportunity to preach the Gospel to foreigners, not only in words, but above all in deeds.”


Source: PAP, episkopat.pl