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Suprising return of Przemysław Wipler before the autumn's general election

26.07.2023 21:40
Wipler, whose political career seemed to have been cut short by legal problems, will represent the nationalist-libertarian Konfederacja in Toruń
Przemysław Wipler - Konfederacjas new candidate.
Przemysław Wipler - Konfederacja's new candidate. Photo: PAP/Bartłomiej Zborowski

The choice of Przemysław Wipler by the nationalist-libertarian coalition Konfederacja, to head their efforts in the historical Polish city of Toruń, has surprised Polish commentators. 

Konfederacja has had considerable success in recent polling and like several similar far-right and nationalist groups like UKiP and France's National Front (today's "National Rally"), this success has been partly based on moderating their image. 

Konfederacja's current campaigning has been based on a "Poland First" message combined with minimal state economics and politics. Unpopular goals such as the further tightening of abortion restrictions have been played down, and leaders have attempted to distance themselves from earlier statements that included homophobia and antisemitism.

In this context, the choice of the controversial Wipler is surprising.    

From Law and Justice to Freedom

Wipler became an MP in 2011 representing the current ruling party, Law and Justice. However, in a recent interview, he said that the large-state propensities of Law and Justice conflicted with his libertarian views, so he moved, in a few stages, to the constellation of right-wing politicians around the libertarian Janusz Korwin-Mikke.

In 2015, together with Korwin-Mikke he founded a new party based on Korwin-Mikke's name "KORWiN: Koalicja Odnowy Rzeczypospolitej Wolność i Nadzieja" - "KORWIN: the Coalition for the Republic's Renewal, Freedom and Hope". 

Legal woes

In 2016, Wipler was convicted by a court of first instance of assaulting a police officer. Wipler has denied assault, claiming the police used excessive force and that he was the victim of assault, not the police officer. Wipler did not appeal the decision because, as he claims, "this would have meant the case dragging on, effectively preventing me from standing in subsequent elections".

Wipler has also been charged with the embezzlement of funds from the Freedom and Hope Foundation; the case is still pending. The libertarian magazine Najwyższy Czas! asks, "You may be talented (as you claim), but what went on with the money?" -

Sources: PAP, Interia.pl, oko.press, salon24.pl
