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Pioneering eye surgery in Poland's Lublin

31.07.2023 23:30
Ophthalmologists in Lublin, eastern Poland, have implanted a cataract patient with a telescopic lens that acts like a magnifying glass, the first such operation in Eastern Europe, officials have said.
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More such operations will follow, Polish state news agency PAP reported on Monday.

Prof. Robert Rejdak from Lublin’s Medical University said the pioneering surgery was performed on a female patient with cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

He told PAP it was the first such treatment in Eastern Europe, with the method so far used in countries including Germany, Italy and Britain. 

Rejdak noted that separately cataract could be cured by means of an operation, with patients regaining full sharpness of vision, while AMD could be successfully treated through medicine injections.

Meanwhile, the telescopic lens is a new solution designed for patients with multiple eyesight diseases, he said.

The lens acts as a magnifying glass, magnifying objects up to 2.7 times, allowing the patient to see more detail and colours, he added.

Rejdak also said that the telescopic lens costs around EUR 25,000 and that more patients will receive the device in September, the PAP news agency reported.


Source: PAP, pulsmedycyny.pl