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Warsaw heat records surge amid rising temperatures

19.08.2023 13:00
Warsaw, once known for its moderate summers, is setting new heat records as temperatures consistently rise above 30°C, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) has reported.
Heatwave in Warsaw.
Heatwave in Warsaw.Photo: PAP/Marcin Obara

IMGW spokesman Grzegorz Walijewski attributed the heightened warmth to persistent tropical air influxes, which are taking a toll on residents' wellbeing due to their extended duration.

Ostrołęka recorded a peak temperature of 35.7°C in 2023, with Warsaw not far behind at 34.4°C this week alone. Notably, the country's all-time highest temperature remains at 40.2°C in 1921, in Prószków near Opole. Warsaw's record stands at 37°C, set in 2013.

While past records are high, climatologists are now more concerned about prolonged heatwaves than individual temperature spikes. Walijewski noted that "such situations are expected to increase in frequency and duration in Poland."

Residents of major cities are particularly at risk due to the "urban heat island" effect, where concrete structures amplify heat. "In urban areas, temperatures can be up to 10°C higher than in green spaces," Walijewski said.


Source: PAP