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Polish gov’t approves EUR 500 cash boost for pensioners

22.08.2023 22:00
The Polish government on Tuesday approved a special EUR 500 cash boost for pensioners, saying it would be offered to senior citizens nationwide next month.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Family and Social Policy Minister Marlena Maląg announce the details of the 14th pension benefit for pensioners on Tuesday.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Family and Social Policy Minister Marlena Maląg announce the details of the "14th pension" benefit for pensioners on Tuesday.PAP/Piotr Polak

The decision was announced by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at an event in the east-central town of Solec nad Wisłą, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

During a meeting with seniors, the prime minister signed off on the new benefit, dubbed “the 14th pension.”

Morawiecki told the gathering: “The Cabinet this morning decided that the 14th pension would be paid out in the first half of September and that it would amount to ... PLN 2,200 net (around EUR 500)."

The prime minister added that the special cash boost demonstrated the government’s commitment to “intergenerational solidarity“ and helping seniors, "including financial help as much as possible.”

Meanwhile, Family and Social Policy Minister Marlena Maląg told the meeting that her conservative government was seeking “to make Poland strong and secure” through “concrete measures, especially for families with small children and for seniors.”

Poland's lawmakers this month approved a government plan to combine parliamentary elections on October 15 with a nationwide referendum on issues including illegal migration and the retirement age.

In the parliamentary elections, Poles will head to the ballot box to elect 460 new MPs and 100 senators for a four-year term.

The ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party has maintained a clear lead over the opposition in most recent surveys, polling ahead of the centrist Civic Coalition (KO) and the far-right Confederation group.

The ruling conservatives in 2019 won a convincing victory over opposition parties at the ballot box, securing a second term in power.


Source: IAR, PAP