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Groundbreaking heart surgery on toddler successfully completed in Poland’s Kraków

11.09.2023 10:00
In what has been hailed as a major medical milestone, doctors at the University Children's Hospital in Kraków (Uniwersytecki Szpital Dziecięcy or USDK) have successfully performed a total heart reconstruction on a 1.5-year-old boy. The hospital reported that this was the first operation of its kind in Europe.
The University Childrens Hospital in the southern Polish city of Kraków.
The University Children's Hospital in the southern Polish city of Kraków. PAP/Art Service 2

Dr Tomasz Mroczek, the chief surgeon and the head of the Cardio Surgery Clinic at USDK, described every part of the toddler's heart as having required total reconstruction, from the main aorta, right and left pulmonary arteries, coronary vessels, to the atrium. In his words: "Each element of the heart had to be rebuilt to restore proper blood flow. It was almost like switching the functioning of the heart's chambers. This was the only way to save little Januszek's life." The success of the procedure was attributed to months of preparations and the collaborative efforts of various medical teams. Dr Mroczek drew a vivid analogy, comparing the complexity of the operation to "landing on the Moon."

USDK is the largest pediatric hospital in the South of Poland. This landmark surgery not only heralds a new era for Polish medicine but also for European patients. The hospital's announcement emphasized, "This is excellent news for both Polish and European patients. The University Children's Hospital in Kraków now offers treatments that were previously only available in the United States."


Source: PAP