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Polish ruling party maintains lead in new survey

11.10.2023 14:00
Poland’s ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party is backed by 33.8 percent of voters who say they will take part in the country's parliamentary election on October 15, according to the latest survey by pollster United Surveys.
Photo:PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

Support for Law and Justice, which swept to power in late 2015 and won a second term in 2019, went up by 1.5 percentage points from a similar survey at the start of this month, state news agency PAP reported.

Meanwhile, backing for the centrist opposition Civic Coalition (PO) group, whose main member party, the Civic Platform (PO), governed Poland from 2007 to 2015, increased by 1.7 percentage points to 28.1 percent, the survey found.

The New Left party is third on 10.2 percent, and the Third Way coalition of the rural-based Polish People’s Party (PSL) and the centre-right Poland 2050 grouping is fourth on 9.4 percent, according to the survey, which was published on Wednesday.

The far-right Confederation group would also make it into the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, on 8.4 percent, according to the study.

The survey, commissioned by the Wirtualna Polska news website, was conducted from October 8 and 10 on a sample of 1,000 respondents.

Poles will head to the ballot box on Sunday to elect 460 new MPs and 100 senators for a four-year term.

Poles to vote in referendum

In August, Poland's lawmakers approved a plan to combine parliamentary elections with a nationwide referendum asking Poles whether their country should accept migrants from the Middle East and Africa, whether state companies can be sold to foreign buyers, whether the retirement age should be increased, and whether a wall on Poland's border with Belarus should be dismantled.

The ruling conservatives have encouraged people to cast their ballots in the referendum, while the opposition has asked voters to boycott it, saying the referendum questions are worded in a biased way and contain misleading information designed to boost support for the government.


Source: PAPwp.plpap.pl