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Biden salutes Polish-American hero on Pulaski Memorial Day

11.10.2023 10:00
President Joe Biden has saluted Polish-American hero Casimir Pulaski, who is being commemorated in the United States on Wednesday.
Photo:PAP/Darek Delmanowicz

"Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of General Casimir Pulaski — whose story is forever woven into our Nation’s fight for independence and who remains a source of inspiration for all those standing for the cause of freedom around the world,” Biden said in a proclamation issued ahead of Wednesday's Pulaski Memorial Day in America.

"Born and raised in Warsaw, General Pulaski long fought against the Russian domination of Poland," Biden said. "In 1777 — after learning of our young Nation’s aspiration for independence — he stepped up to serve alongside American soldiers in the Revolutionary War, including leading a critical counterattack that helped slow British advances."

Biden noted that Pulaski in 1779 "made the ultimate sacrifice for our country — giving his life so that our Nation and our ideas of freedom, equality, and democracy might live."

Biden also said in his proclamation that "General Pulaski’s heroism represents just one of the countless contributions that Polish people have made to promote liberty around the world — contributions we continue to see today."

He added: "Since Russia’s brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year, the world has witnessed countless acts of courage and conviction by the people of Poland for the causes of freedom and human decency. They have donated tanks, artillery, and aircraft to support Ukraine’s self-defense and have become a key hub for aid from other partners. As I have seen first-hand during my trips to Poland these past 2 years, they have embraced Ukrainian refugees during this dark moment, offering them safety, hope, and light."

On General Pulaski Memorial Day, Biden encouraged Americans to "honor our friends in Poland and our vibrant Polish American community, which continues to uphold his legacy and keep the flame of freedom burning bright."

On the first Sunday of October, thousands of people marched through New York’s Fifth Avenue during the annual Pulaski Day Parade, waving Polish national flags to commemorate the hero, who in Poland is known as Kazimierz Pułaski.

This year’s Pulaski Day Parade, held in New York for the 86th time, was attended by Polish President Andrzej DudaPoland's PAP news agency reported.


Source: IAR, PAP, whitehouse.gov