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Annual Polish fundraiser to collect money for lung care

24.10.2023 18:30
A high-profile Polish annual fundraiser called the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will collect donations for pulmonary hospitals next year, to help with lung care after the COVID-19 pandemic, the organisers have said.
Impresario Jerzy Owsiak (centre), the driving force behind the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, and Prof. Katarzyna Krenke (right), head of the Polish Society for Childrens Pulmonology, unveil details of the 2024 fundraiser at a news conference in Warsaw on Tuesday.
Impresario Jerzy Owsiak (centre), the driving force behind the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, and Prof. Katarzyna Krenke (right), head of the Polish Society for Children’s Pulmonology, unveil details of the 2024 fundraiser at a news conference in Warsaw on Tuesday. Photo: PAP/Albert Zawada

Details of the 2024 collection were unveiled on Tuesday by Jerzy Owsiak, the driving force behind the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Owsiak told a news briefing that the fundraiser’s main concert would take place at Warsaw’s National Stadium on January 28.

The event will be moved from its traditional venue at the Polish capital's Defilad Square, due to the redevelopment of Warsaw city centre, he added.

Owsiak told reporters that the theme of the 2024 Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity would be “lungs after the pandemic,” with donations set to go to 15 pulmonary hospitals for children and 49 pulmonary hospitals for adults across the country.

The money will finance the purchase of diagnostic imaging equipment, magnetic resonance imaging hardware and pulmonary rehabilitation equipment, among other specialist hardware, according to officials.

Prof. Katarzyna Krenke, who heads the Polish Society for Children’s Pulmonology (PTPD), said the investment would be welcome as “many Poles had their respiratory systems very negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the PAP news agency reported.

This year, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity set a fundraising record when it collected more than PLN 243 million (EUR 52 million) for medical equipment to help diagnose and prevent sepsis, the organisers said.


Source: PAP, Interia.pl