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Polish police officer to co-lead global effort to tackle synthetic drug threats

07.11.2023 10:00
An officer with the Polish police force’s Central Investigative Bureau (CBŚP) has been appointed to a senior position in the US-led Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats, according to an announcement.

The Polish police officer, Michał Aleksandrowicz, has been put in charge of one of the task force’s working groups, alongside George Pasiakos of the US Customs and Border Protection agency, the CBŚP announced on Tuesday.

The Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats was launched at a ministerial meeting hosted by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in July.

The task force brings together nearly 900 participants from more than 100 countries and international organizations, the US State Department said.

They will work together in seven sub-working groups “to identify concrete actions and outcomes to address synthetic drug threats,” according to the CBŚP.

The sub-working group focused on the “trafficking of synthetic drugs and their precursors” is jointly led by the United States and Poland, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Poland officially assumed its role at the first meeting of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats in October, according to the CBŚP.

The October get-together featured 442 law enforcement officials from 106 countries, as well as representatives of eight European Union agencies and 12 international organisations, the PAP news agency reported.

The sub-working group on the “trafficking of synthetic drugs and their precursors,” co-led by Poland, is scheduled to complete its proceedings in September next year.

Poland's role offers an opportunity to highlight the country's "commitment to global security" and "share our experiences and draw on the knowledge of other coalition members,” the CBŚP said. 


Source: PAP, policja.pl, US State Department