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Polish charity Caritas helps families in Mideast

21.11.2023 21:30
Polish Catholic charity Caritas says it has provided over PLN 79 million (EUR 18 million) in humanitarian aid to families in the Middle East, including in the Gaza Strip and Iraqi Kurdistan.  
A premature baby evacuated from a Gaza hospital to Egypt, November 20, 2023.
A premature baby evacuated from a Gaza hospital to Egypt, November 20, 2023. PAP/EPA/STR

Caritas Poland is helping people deprived of livelihoods by war and other conflicts in the region, public broadcaster Polish Radio's IAR news agency reported on Tuesday.

Over the past seven years, Caritas Poland has provided PLN 79 million (EUR 18 million) in humanitarian aid to families in the Middle East, according to officials.

This has helped ensure basic existence for recipients in Syria, the Gaza Strip, Iraqi Kurdistan and Lebanon, Caritas Poland said.

In war-ravaged Syria, 15 million people face challenges in meeting basic needs, such as access to clean water, Caritas Poland's Dominik Derlicki told Polish Radio.

The country was hit by an earthquake earlier this year, he noted.

Caritas Poland is also helping the people of Gaza, amid the ongoing war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

Overall, the organisation said it was providing humanitarian aid to 5,000 families in the Middle East, "regardless of their nationality and religion." 

As a result of war and conflicts in the region, thousands of people need assistance, Caritas Poland said.

More details can be found on the charity's website 


Source: IAR, polskieradio.plcaritas.pl