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Szymon Hołownia - raising the level of public discourse?

08.12.2023 16:50
Is the Sejm's new Speaker - Szymon Hołownia from Polska 2050 - raising the level of public discourse in Poland?
Speaker Szymon Hołownia.
Speaker Szymon Hołownia.Photo: PAP/Tomasz Gzell

Szymon Hołownia has attracted a lot of attention since becoming the Speaker of Poland's Lower House (the Sejm), in the new parliament. 

A rare phenomenon in Poland's political life already, the majority of this attention has been positive. For example from the liberal-left gazeta.pl there is the headline "Szymon Holownia Superstar". The article continues, "His ripostes are already legendary."

Hołownia has explicitly stated on several occasions that his intention is to raise the level of debate in the Sejm and increase the gravitas of Polish institutions, following, in his opinion, their decline under Law and Justice (PiS). But is he succeeding?

Almost-monk and charity founder

An indication that ethics for Hołownia is not just a matter of rhetorical "ethos", is his early background. He was twice a noviciate for the Dominican Order and the charity he founded, "Dobra Fabryka" supports 40 000 people worldwide

Quick-witted showman

As Speaker, Law and Justice had him in their sights, hoping to expose his lack of experience in political debate during his first days in the new role. Instead he has easily won his first verbal battles, and the televised parliamentary discussions have acquired the moniker "Sejmflix" because they have become so entertaining and popular with young people. 

Winning debates without humiliating opponents  

In contrast to other opposition leaders, Hołownia appears to have been able to win debates at the same time admitting errors on his own side and without humiliating opponents. For example, in this battle of words with a TVP journalist (Polish state television has been a strong supporter of the outgoing ruling parties), Hołownia admits mistakes from the opposition, points out firmly the bias of the journalist but accepts that "from now on" the journalist will perhaps be demanding on all sides equally. 

Hołownia's dark side?

Criticisms of Hołownia have mainly been that his rhetorical flourishes may actually trivialise political debate. TVP's drastically titled program "How they lie" presents a polemic against Hołownia, describing him as a frivolous showman, unfit for high office.  

And there have been suggestions of a dark side to his media savvy performances. The strongly pro-PiS WSieci suggests that the "Hołownia Show" is designed to distract attention from behind the scenes lobbying. 

Sources: WScieci, TVP Info, gazeta.pl
