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PiS leads in latest polish election poll, potential coalition could challenge presidential veto

16.01.2024 16:37
Poland's conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) would win 33.9 percent of votes if elections were held this Sunday, closely followed by the liberal Civic Coalition party with 30.2 percent, according to a recent IBRiS poll published in the "Rzeczpospolita" daily.
Polands Sejm, the lower house of the bicameral parliament.
Poland's Sejm, the lower house of the bicameral parliament.Photo: Verconer / Shutterstock

The centrist Third Way party is also making significant gains with 16.9 percent, while the Left and far-right Confederation would secure 9.3 percent and 6.3 percent of votes, respectively.

The poll suggests a high turnout of 60.9 percent and indicates a steady support for political parties, with PiS maintaining its lead.

However, the results reveal a potential shift in the parliamentary landscape.

According to an expert, a coalition comprising the Civic Coalition, the Third Way, and the Left could potentially secure 267 seats in the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament.

The survey indicates that PiS would win 177 seats, a drop from its current 198 seats, while the Confederation is projected to get 16 seats. Such a shift in seats could give the new government the ability to override a presidential veto, even further altering the political dynamics in Poland.

The survey conducted for "Rzeczpospolita" was carried out on January 12 and 13, sampling a cross-section of 1,067 respondents nationwide.

Source: PAP, Rzeczpospolita