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Poland plans historic salary increase for teachers in 2024 budget

17.01.2024 15:30
Poland's Education Minister Barbara Nowacka announced a significant increase in teachers' salaries for 2024, a move described as "unprecedented in history" and aimed at realigning teacher wages with the national average salary.
Barbara Nowacka.
Barbara Nowacka. Photo: PAP/Marcin Obara

Nowacka and Deputy Minister Katarzyna Lubnauer, addressing the Sejm, the lower house of Poland’s bicameral parliament, described the raise as historic, marking a 30 percent increase for most teachers and 33 percent for newcomers.

Lubnauer emphasized that this adjustment would correct the disparity between teachers' earnings and the so-called average salary, which has often been misleading due to its inclusion of various allowances.

"Teachers (...) believe that for a long time they have been cheated by talking about the average," Lubnauer said.

The upcoming increase, according to the Ministry, will address these disparities and is reflected in the 2024 draft state budget, which allocates nearly PLN 98 billion for education, with PLN 23.5 billion allocated for the raises.

Source: PAP