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50% of Polish people ready to resign from driving to help environment

18.01.2024 13:50
New research published by Poland's Rzeczpospolita finds that half of the country declare their readiness to resign from driving to help the environment. 
Najgorsza sytuacja jest na trasie ze Skomielnej Białej do Nowego Targu
Najgorsza sytuacja jest na trasie ze Skomielnej Białej do Nowego TarguPAP/Grzegorz Momot

Poland's daily Rzeczpospolita has summarised the results of the new research showing that half of the country at least declares their willingness to resign from driving to help clean up the environment. 

This is one of the conclusions drawn from research carried out by the PBS agency in Sopot for Multiconsult Polska.

While this is cause for optimism about the future of Poland's air, reasons for pessimism also exist - on the basis of the same report and other data:

- The PBS research reveals that the younger generation (18-34) is less willing to give up driving for the sake of the environment (42.4% as opposed to the 50.7% for the population as a whole). 

- In Poland the most serious source of pollution is often not cars at all, but private houses. For example, according to data published by Smog Alarm Poland, 4% of fine particle pollution (PM 2.5) in Poland is due to traffic, while 78% is due to domestic heating and cooking systems, suggesting that the main line of attack will be a renewal of domestic systems and stringent domestic regulations. 

Sources: Rzeczpospolita, polskialarmsmogowy.pl
