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Climate conference launches in Kraków

20.01.2024 14:32
A climate conference dedicated to EU climate policy has been launched in the southern Polish city of Kraków on Saturday.
The Royal Wawel Castle in Kraków, southern Poland.
The Royal Wawel Castle in Kraków, southern Poland.The Royal Wawel Castle

Participants are expected to discuss the Polish government’s climate policy, challenges in the European energy sector, and EU environmental priorities.

Renew Europe, the third largest political force in the European Parliament, is co-organising the event together with Polish Parliament Speaker Szymon Hołownia's Poland 2050 grouping.

The event's participants include Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Mikołaj Dorożała, chairman of the parliamentary committee on EU affairs and first vice-chairman of Poland 2050 Michał Kobosko, Renew Europe MEP for Poland 2050 Róża Thun, as well as Renew Europe MEPs Catherine Chabaud from France and Katalin Cseh from Hungary.

As Róża Thun, told Poland’s PAP state news agency, the conference participants are meeting to discuss the most important challenges for the future in terms of climate policy and environmental protection, both at the Polish and European levels. 


Source: PAP