English Section

ATM swindler finally caught

08.02.2024 21:15
A 25-year-old woman from Sosnowiec in southern Poland has been arrested, suspected of being the "BLIK ATM swindler" who has defrauded 100 people out of 70 000 PLN in fraudulent withdrawals. 
BLIK - popular app facilitating payments in Poland.
BLIK - popular app facilitating payments in Poland. Photo: X/BLIKmobile

A 25-year-old woman from Sosnowiec has been arrested, suspected of being the perpetrator of multiple frauds from cash machines. 

Her modus operandi appears to have been quite sophisticated. She would hack into the Facebook Messenger account of her potential victim and then acquire the code needed for "BLIK" transactions by corresponding with unsuspecting friends and family members. (BLIK is a popular app facilitating transactions in Poland, including withdrawals from ATMs.)

Around 100 people were defrauded out of a total of 70 000 PLN over a period of several months. 

The woman made it harder to be caught by regularly changing the ATM used and by frequent changes of disguise to avoid identification in bank security film. 

She was apprehended on Thursday by police from the southern Polish town of Bielsko-Biała and faces up to 8 years in prison if found guilty. 

Source: PAP
