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Poland's top diplomat asks voters to elect capable MEPs

03.06.2024 15:30
Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has urged Poles to vote in Sunday's European ballot and elect MEPs who will effectively represent the country's interests.
Radosław Sikorski and Michał Szczerba speak to reporters in Warsaw on Monday.
Radosław Sikorski and Michał Szczerba speak to reporters in Warsaw on Monday.Photo: PAP/Szymon Pulcyn

Speaking at a news conference in Warsaw on Monday, Sikorski endorsed Michał Szczerba, a candidate from Poland’s liberal-centrist Civic Coalition group.

Sikorski described Szczerba as someone who would "take good care of the interests of Poland and the wider region."

Sikorski underscored the importance of the European elections, which will be held in Poland on June 9. He said the vote will shape the composition of the next European Parliament, a body that makes "real decisions" and where "real politics" is conducted.

"We need experienced and influential MEPs in Brussels," he asserted.

He slammed MEPs who he said criticize the EU domestically but remain silent in Brussels, often due to poor foreign-language skills.

"They hate the common euro currency, but they more than happy to accept paychecks in it," Sikorski quipped.

Highlighting Szczerba’s credentials, Sikorski called him an "ideal candidate" for a senior role in the proposed new defense committee within the European Parliament.

"The European Union will become a geostrategic community; this is the plan of our candidate for the next president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen," Sikorski said.

Szczerba thanked Sikorski for his support.

"The support of Radosław Sikorski, a statesman who is rebuilding Poland's position in the European Union and NATO, is absolutely crucial," Szczerba said.

He welcomed the plan for a new defense commissioner and the proposed establishment of a defense committee in the European Parliament.

"I will strive to play a significant role in the defense committee," he declared.


Source: TVN24